
This is an ACTIVE club for 2023-2024.

What is this club about?

The Foothill Robotics club is dedicated to providing students a introductory experience in robotics and an opportunity for them to get hands-on knowledge of an upcoming and important field. Our club strives to help students get introduced through educational meetings during school hours, and a chance to gain hands-on experience afterschools. Our club hosts a VEX Robotics Team, where dedicated members may represent our school while competing with other teams across the Bay Area and around the world, and works with a local robotics company, where we are able to attend tours of their factory and learn more about the application of robotics in industry, in order to provide a comprehensive outlet for students to explore the expansive subject. Robotics is much more than just a club, it's an option for students to gain exposure to all the aspects of engineering. One of the best things about robotics is that it exposes students to all the different fields of engineering, including electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, software engineering, and computer engineering. For students still uncertain about their career and future college majors, the club can serve as a starting point for exploring engineering. Our club exists on campus for the opportunities it provides, the exposure to engineering it brings, and the inclusive environment it cultivates that brings students from across the school together.

This club has provided links to external resources. Use the tabs to explore!

Who do I reach out to?

Membership Officer

๐Ÿ‘ค Aparajita "Para" Kantak


๐Ÿ‘ค Club Officers

Teacher Advisor

๐Ÿ‘ค Gary Johnson

Assigned Councilmember

๐Ÿ‘ค Gia-Linh Phan


How do I join this club?

Thank you for your interest in joining! You can join the club by sending the membership officer an email to the address located under their name. If they are unresponsive, the assigned Club Councilmember can step in and connect you to the club officers, so email them.

How do I contact the club officers?

We'd love to connect you with the club officers. Each club has set up a shared email inbox that all officers have access to. This is the best way to contact them. Send an email to the club's inbox. If they are unresponsive, the assigned Club Councilmember can step in and connect you to the club officers, so email them.

How do I contact the teacher advisor (the adult in charge)?

While most questions pertaining to club meetings and mission are best referred to the student officers, an adult contact may be preferable in some cases. Send an email to the teacher advisor. Their email address is below their name.

I want to escalate something. How do I contact the Club Council?

The Club Council is a central body governing the operations of all clubs on campus. They are not involved with the specifics of the club, as that responsibility is shared by the club officers. The Club Council assigns a Councilmember to oversee each club. You can contact the assigned Councilmember at council@foothillclubs.com.

This club profile is now complete! See below to learn what this means.


An introductory description has been provided. The introductory description provides a launchpad to explore what the club is about and to see if it piques your interest.

A club email has been verified for this club. You can either email the general inbox or the outreach officer depending on the nature of your query.

An outreach officer has been selected for this club. They are here to answer your questions about the club and assist you in joining the club.

A staff advisor has been verified. Most questions are best answered by the student outreach officer, but the advisor is another resource regarding the club.

A Councilmember from the Club Council has been assigned. They cannot answer club-specific questions, but if anything needs to be escalated or handled at the ASB level, you can contact them. They are not a club officer.

WARNING! All outside links and platforms are not school-sponsored or monitored by the Club Council and/or Foothill ASB. They are created and ran by the officers of the club.

Last updated